View of Penistone from Huddersfield Road area

Important Notice

The Finance and HR Committee was merged with the Assets and Amenities Committee in May 2024 and named the Finance, Assets & HR Committee. The minutes below are retained for archival purposes.
The minutes for the Finance, Assets & HR Committee can be seen here >>

Finance and HR Minutes

Digital copies of minutes of Penistone Town Council Finance and HR meetings are available from May 2016 onwards. Older meetings are minuted in the paper archive and can be viewed by appointment at the council offices in St. John’s Community Centre.

Minutes are published here without signatures to protect the personal information of individual Councillors. Anyone wishing to view a signed hard copy of the minutes may do so BY APPOINTMENT at the Penistone Town Council office.

Click the links below to view the PDF copies of minutes.

(Please note that the Finance and HR Committee was formerly the Finance and General Purposes Committee and was renamed in May 2021.)

Upcoming meetings

Mon 3rd July 2023 @ 7pm, IT Room
Mon 11th September 2023 @ 7pm, IT Room
Mon 13th November 2023 @ 7pm, Bar Room
Mon 8th January 2024 @ 7pm, IT Room
Mon 11th March 2024 @ 7pm, IT Room
Mon 13th May 2024 @ 7pm, IT Room


Please click the link below to view the agenda for the forthcoming PTC meeting.

Finance & HR Committee Agenda 13th May 2024



FHR Minutes 13 May 2024

Please click the link below to view a PDF copy of the minutes of the May 2024 Penistone Town Council Finance and HR Committee meeting. Minutes of the PTC Finance and HR Committee Meeting, May 2024.

Finance & HR Minutes 11 March 2024

Please click the link below to view a PDF copy of the minutes of the March 2024 Penistone Town Council Finance and General Purposes Committee meeting. Minutes of the PTC Finance and Human Resources Committee Meeting, March 2024.

Finance & HR Committee Minutes 8 Jan 2024

Please click the link below to view a PDF copy of the minutes of the January 2024 Penistone Town Council Finance and General Purposes Committee meeting. Minutes of the PTC Finance and General Purposes Committee Meeting, January 2024.

Finance & HR Committee Minutes 13 November 2023

Please click the link below to view a PDF copy of the minutes of the November 2023 Penistone Town Council Finance and HR Committee meeting. Minutes of the PTC Finance and HR Committee Meeting, November 2023.

Finance & HR Minutes 11 September 2023

Please click the link below to view a PDF copy of the minutes of the September 2023 Penistone Town Council Finance and General Purposes Committee meeting. Minutes of the PTC Finance and HR Committee Meeting, September 2023.

FHR Minutes 3rd July 2023

Please click the link below to view a PDF copy of the minutes of the July 2023 Penistone Town Council Finance and General Purposes Committee meeting. Minutes of the Finance & HR Committee 3rd July 2023

FHR Minutes March 2023

Please click the link below to view a PDF copy of the minutes of the March 2023 Penistone Town Council Finance and General Purposes Committee meeting. Minutes of the PTC Finance and General Purposes Committee Meeting, March 2023.

FHR Minutes January 2023

Please click the link below to view a PDF copy of the minutes of the January 2023 Penistone Town Council Finance and General Purposes Committee meeting. Minutes of the PTC Finance and General Purposes Committee Meeting, January 2023.

Finance & HR Minutes 10 November 2022

Please click the link below to view a PDF copy of the minutes of the November 2022 Penistone Town Council Finance and General Purposes Committee meeting. Minutes of the PTC Finance and HR Committee Meeting, November 2022.

Finance and HR, 15th September 2022

Please click the link below to view a PDF copy of the minutes of the September 2022 Penistone Town Council Finance and HR Committee meeting. Minutes of the PTC Finance and HR Committee Meeting, September 2022.

Finance and HR, 13th April 2022

Please click the link below to view a PDF copy of the minutes of the April 2022 Penistone Town Council Finance and HR Committee meeting. Minutes of the PTC Finance and HR Committee Meeting, April 2022.

Finance and HR, 6th October 2021

Please click the link below to view a PDF copy of the minutes of the MONTH 2020 Penistone Town Council Finance and General Purposes Committee meeting. Minutes of the PTC Finance and HR Committee Meeting, October 2021.

Finance and General Purposes, 11th January 2021

Please click the link below to view a PDF copy of the minutes of the Jan 2021 Penistone Town Council Finance and General Purposes Committee meeting. Minutes of the PTC Finance and General Purposes Committee Meeting, Jan 2021.

Finance and General Purposes, 14th December 2020

Please click the link below to view a PDF copy of the minutes of the December 2020 Penistone Town Council Finance and General Purposes Committee meeting. Minutes of the PTC Finance and General Purposes Committee Meeting December 2020

Finance and General Purposes, 9th November 2020

Please click the link below to view a PDF copy of the minutes of the November 2020 Penistone Town Council Finance and General Purposes Committee meeting. Minutes of the PTC Finance and General Purposes Committee Meeting, Nov 2020.

Finance and General Purposes, 12th October 2020

Please click the link below to view a PDF copy of the minutes of the Oct 2020 Penistone Town Council Finance and General Purposes Committee meeting. Minutes of the PTC Finance and General Purposes Committee Meeting, Oct 2020.

Finance and General Purposes, 8th June 2020

Please click the link below to view a PDF copy of the minutes of the June 2020 Penistone Town Council Finance and General Purposes Committee meeting. Minutes of the PTC Finance and General Purposes Committee Meeting, June 2020.

Finance and General Purposes, 12th Feb 2020

Please click the link below to view a PDF copy of the minutes of the February 2020 Penistone Town Council Finance and General Purposes Committee meeting. Minutes of the PTC Finance and General Purposes Committee Meeting, February 2020.

Finance and General Purposes, 3rd Sept 2019

Please click the link below to view a PDF copy of the minutes of the Sept 2019 Penistone Town Council Finance and General Purposes Committee meeting.Minutes of the PTC Finance and General Purposes Committee Meeting, Sept 2019.

Finance and General Purposes, 1st July 2019

Please click the link below to view a PDF copy of the minutes of the July 2019 Penistone Town Council Finance and General Purposes Committee meeting.Minutes of the PTC Finance and General Purposes Committee Meeting, July 2019.

Finance and General Purposes, 25th Sept 2018

Please click the link below to view a PDF copy of the minutes of the September 2018 Penistone Town Council Finance and General Purposes Committee meeting.2018-09-25-Finance-and-General-Purposes-Minutes

Finance and General Purposes, 9th April 2018

Please click the link below to view a PDF copy of the minutes of the April 2018 Penistone Town Council Finance and General Purposes Committee meeting.Minutes of the PTC Finance and General Purposes Committee Meeting, April 2018.

Finance and General Purposes, 5th Feb 2018

Please click the link below to view a PDF copy of the minutes of the February 2018 Penistone Town Council Finance and General Purposes Committee meeting.Minutes of the PTC Finance and General Purposes Committee Meeting, February 2018.

Finance and General Purposes, 8th Nov 2017

Please click the link below to view a PDF copy of the minutes of the November 2017 Penistone Town Council Finance and General Purposes Committee meeting.Minutes of the PTC Finance and General Purposes Committee Meeting, November 2017.

Finance and General Purposes, 5th July 2016

Please click the link below to view a PDF copy of the minutes of the July 2016 Penistone Town Council Finance and General Purposes Committee meeting.Minutes of the PTC Finance and General Purposes Committee Meeting, July 2016.

Finance and General Purposes, 23rd May 2016

Please click the link below to view a PDF copy of the minutes of the May 2016 Penistone Town Council Finance and General Purposes Committee meeting.Minutes of the PTC Finance and General Purposes Committee Meeting, May 2016.