Classes and Clubs
Information about classes, clubs and events held in the Community Centre will appear as soon as we receive information from the organisers.
Please note that in all cases, the Penistone Town Council is not involved in the organisation of any of these classes or events. If you need further information about joining groups, times of sessions etc, please contact the organisers directly at the info provided below.
If you’d like to book rooms for your own classes and clubs, please see the Facilities section for more info or contact us.
Course/Event | Day & Time | Location | Contact |
Penistone Archive | Thursdays, 10am - 1.00pm (Other times/days can be arranged by appointment.) | Neville Roebuck Room | Brian Robinson : 07885 286146 |
Amigo Kids - Spanish language learning for young children | Term time only - 4-7 yrs, Weds 4.30pm 7-11 yrs, Weds 5.30 pm 2-4 yrs, Fri 11.30am | IT Room | Keeley Broadhead 07903 978927 info@amigokids.co.uk |
Barnsley Youth Dance Academy | Mondays 4.45pm | Main Hall | L. White www.barnsleyyouthdance.co.uk |
41st Barnsley Brownies | Thursdays, 6.30 pm - 8pm, term time only | Lower Hall | Kirsty Roberts browniespen41@hotmail.com |
Penistone 41st Rainbows | Thursdays, 6.00pm - 7.00pm, term time only | Main Hall | Meg Rank 07815 685268 meg_rank@hotmail.co.uk |
60th Barnsley Brownies | Mondays, 5.00pm - 6.30pm, term time only | Lower Hall | Nakomi Rowe 07773822777 nakomirowe@gmail.com |
60th Guides Penistone | Mondays, 6.00pm - 7.30pm, term time only | Main Hall | Sarah Drayson, 60thpenistoneguides@gmail.com |
Penistone Camera Club | Wednesdays, 7.00pm - 10.00pm | IT Room | Paul: 07788 774215 |
Penistone Country Market | Thursdays, 10.00am - 12 noon | Main Hall | Josie Gentry : 01142 884267 |
Count on Sonia - weight loss support group | Thursdays 6-7pm, Fridays 9-10am | IT Room | Sonia Atkins-Currie 07962 222733 sma.currie@gmail.com |
Dancercise - dance exercise to suit all adult ages | Mondays 11am Fridays 11.15am and 6pm | Monday and Friday morning Main Hall Friday evening Lower Hall | Elaine Nicholson 07734 706335 elainequirke0206@gmail.com |
Penistone & District Stitchers | 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month, 7.00pm - 9.00pm | Main Hall | Kathryn Battye 01226 766515 battye623@btinternet.com |
The FeTree Pilates | Tuesdays - 6 pm | Lower Hall | Fiona Reid, thefetree@gmail.com, 07713 641 355 |
The FeTree Yoga | Vinyasa Yoga Weds 6.15pm & Friday 9.30am Hatha Yoga Weds 7.30pm | Main Hall /Lower Hall | Fiona Reid, thefetree@gmail.com, 07713 641 355 |
Penistone Gardening Club | 2nd Wednesday every month 9.30 am - 12 | Main Hall | Sandra O'Brien 07593 274012 sandyob677@gmail.com |
Helen's Art Class | Mondays, fortnightly 1.00pm - 3.00pm | Bar Room | Helen Slater 07724 136989 h.r.slater@hotmail.co.uk |
Penistone History Group | 1st & 3rd Wednesday, 2.00pm - 4.00pm | Main Hall | Marlene Marshall 01226 761470 marlenemarshall1943@gmail.com |
Penistone Judo Club | Saturdays, 9:00am - 10:30am 10-16 yr olds 10:30am - 12:00pm 5-9 yr olds | Main Hall | Matt Moorehead : 07551 800632 |
Penistone Ladies Choir | Mondays (excluding bank holidays), 7.30pm - 9.30pm | Lower Hall | Liz Peace 07759 074435 secretary@penistoneladieschoir.org.uk |
Penistone & District Probus Club | 1st & 3rd Wednesdays each month 10 am - 12.00 pm | Main Hall | Stephen Dixon, Secretary 01226 761952 dixon605@btinternet.com |
Penistone Video & Stills Group | 1st and 3rd Mondays of the month excluding bank holidays, 2.00pm - 4.00pm | IT Room | Marlene Marshall 01226 761470 marlenemarshall1943@gmail.com |
Penistone Women's Institute Social Afternoon | 4th Monday of the month 2pm-4pm | IT Room | Mrs J. Dyson 01226 765 093 penistonewi@gmail.co.uk |
Sewcial Sewing | Tuesdays, 6.30pm - 9.00pm Sewcial Sunday 3rd Sunday every month 10am - 4pm | IT Room (Tuesday) Main Hall (Sunday) | Claire Jakins: 07747 673326 claire@sewcialsewing.co.uk |
Slimming World | Tuesdays, 9.30am, 11.00am, 5.00pm, 7.30pm. | Main Hall (all sessions) | Claire Taylor 07952 158923 clairehomecooking@gmail.com |
StarMovers Dance Academy | Mondays 4pm | Main Hall | L. White www.star-movers.co.uk |
Tai Chi (Age UK Barnsley) | Fridays 11am - 12pm | Lower Hall | Age UK Barnsley, 01226 776820, enquiries@ageukbarnsley.org.uk |
U3A (University of the Third Age) | Games evening - 7pm - 9pm, 1st & 3rd Monday each month | Bar Room | Elaine Weir 07714 756615 elaineweir@zoho.com |
YES! Canine Puppy Training Class | Fridays 6pm Beginners Pathway 7pm Intermediate Pathway | Main Hall | Holly Boardman, 07476 418777 admin@yescanine.co.uk, |
Young Embroiderers Guild | Schools holidays only. Contact organiser for more info. | Lower Hall | Kathryn Battye: 01226 766515 |