Message from the Outgoing Mayor

The outgoing mayor, Neville Shiggins, addressed the Council at a meeting on 23rd April 2023. The text can be read in the document below. It also contains general information such as the events he attended as mayor, charities supported and personal thanks and...

Preparations for the Coronation

As you can see, we’re now proudly flying the flag outside the offices in preparation for the upcoming coronation. Lights will be added and the Paramount is now ready with additional lighting imminent. More to come soon!...

Wellhouse Lane Speed Restriction UPDATE

UPDATE BARNSLEY METROPOLITAN BOROUGH COUNCILWELLHOUSE LANE, PENISTONETEMPORARY SPEED RESTRICTIONAn order will be made to introduce a 30mph speed limit on Wellhouse Lane from Halifax Road to house number 50, from 27 March 2023 until 30th June 2023.Reason: Construction...

Warm Spaces Events at Paramount, April & May 2023

Penistone Paramount & PTC welcome you to the free warmer spaces screening events at PENISTONE PARAMOUNT In collaboration with the Welcome Warmer Spaces Project. SCREENING DATES/TIMES Wednesday 26th April – Over The Hedge Wednesday 10th May – Chicken Run...

King’s Coronation at Penistone Paramount

FREE CORONATION SCREENING Saturday 06 05 2023Penistone Town Council invites you to the Paramount Cinema to watch the King’s Coronation on the “BIG SCREEN”Doors open at 10am – 2:00pmBar will be open to serve refreshments Click here to download the flyer. Why not make a...