We are working closely with local traders and the company Healthmatic to deliver on the safest and most appropriate way to re-open the toilets and maintain them as a public convenience for the town and its people. 

After significant restoration in 2016 the toilets have suffered substantial damage and vandalism costing the tax payer unnecessary amounts of money to keep them open to the public.  The recent vandalism is potentially costing the local tax payer in excess of £5000 pounds, so we are taking every possible step to ensure they are kept, where possible, vandalism free by putting a selection of measures in place.  

This list of measure comes at a cost, unfortunately, this  means a lengthy programme of set up, using several professional organisations to come together to deliver on this. We are keen to press ahead and get these public facilities back in action during spring / early summer and working closely with local traders to bring this to fruition.  

Could we ask for the public support in continuing to support us by being vigilant and reporting  any issues that they witness to Penistone Town Council.

Thank you

View of Penistone from Barnsley Road