South Yorks Police Survey

We have been asked to circulate the following from South Yorkshire Police: “Subject: Victims Survey 2023 ‘Do you live or work in South Yorkshire? If so, we need your help! Today we are launching an engagement survey and need your views to help us shape the...

Social Prescribing Drop-in Sessions

From 13th April Barnsley Healthcare Federation and IMPaCT will trialling a weekly drop-in at Penistone Library on Thursdays from 12.00pm—1.30pm. Social Prescribing Link Workers will be on hand to listen and connect people to services or support. They can give one-off...

Annual Town Assembly, 20th April 2023

PENISTONE ANNUAL TOWN ASSEMBLY If you would like to meet the PTC Councillors and hear about their work over the last year please join us – the Annual Town Assembly will take place at 7pm on 20th April in the Lower Hall, St John’s Community Centre, Church...

Public Toilets, Penistone

We are working closely with local traders and the company Healthmatic to deliver on the safest and most appropriate way to re-open the toilets and maintain them as a public convenience for the town and its people.  After significant restoration in 2016 the toilets...

PTC and Cost of Living Crisis

Penistone Town Council was recently recognised by BMBC for its work helping the community during the cost of living crisis. The above certificate was presented in late March 2023. Thanks to all staff and also members of the community who also continue to help during...