SHEFFIELD ROAD PENISTONE – TEMPORARY ROAD CLOSURE NOTICE An order will be made to close Sheffield Road for a distance of 20 metres either side of the railway bridge, from 23:00 3rd August 2023 to 06:00 4th August 2023.REASON : bridge inspection worksAn...
At PTC we know that some very nice residents give up their free time to help keep our town and surroundings clean by picking up litter dropped by others – a big shout out of THANK YOU to anyone who does this by the way – and we wanted to let you know that...
Penistone Town Council was delighted to celebrate the 75th anniversary of our NHS on 5th July 2023, by joining the “Light Up Blue” event for public buildings. Here’s how our own Penistone Paramount looks in...
The Paramount held a premiere of the new Indiana Jones film, Dial of Destiny prior to its national release. Above are some photos from the event including India Jones who popped by for a quick visit! Click the thumbnails for larger...
A notice has been made to close the full lengths of: Shelley Close, Penistone Tennyson Close, Penistone Keats Grove, Penistone from 30 June 2023 for approximately 5 days for carriageway surface dressing. Contact BMBC for more info (NOT Penistone Town Council!): 01226...