Sponsored Hanging Baskets

SPONSORED HANGING BASKETS ARE NOW AVAILABLE FOR PENISTONE! Improve our environment and send a message at the same time. If you are looking to promote your business or make a personal tribute to a friend or family member, what better way than by sponsoring a beautiful...

Phillip Beard – Honorary Freedom of the Town

Philip Beard with Mayor Neville Shiggins Philip Beard Mayor Neville Shiggins For over 18 years Philip Beard has been tending to the garden and St Marys Well at the bottom of Bridge street without any support or even asking for help for help. We wanted to recognise...

Message from the Outgoing Mayor

The outgoing mayor, Neville Shiggins, addressed the Council at a meeting on 23rd April 2023. The text can be read in the document below. It also contains general information such as the events he attended as mayor, charities supported and personal thanks and...

Preparations for the Coronation

As you can see, we’re now proudly flying the flag outside the offices in preparation for the upcoming coronation. Lights will be added and the Paramount is now ready with additional lighting imminent. More to come soon!...