Bus Timetable Changes

Details of the service changes along with timetables will be available on the Travel South Yorkshire website at travelsouthyorkshire.com/servicechanges. School bus service information at travelsouthyorkshire.com/en-gb/journeyplanning/school-buses from Thursday 17...

Barbie opening night success!

The opening night of the Barbie movie at the Paramount was a great success and it was great to see such a good attendance. Great fun for the family — thanks to all for coming and continuing to support your local...

Motown night at St John’s Church

Do you fancy a trip back in time to the fabulous days when Wrangler jeans and Brut cologne were the height of fashion? Then pop along to St John’s Church Soul and Motown Night to sing along and dance to the classics! AND you’ll be helping St John’s...

Mayor Presents Charity Donation

On Wednesday 2nd August Mayor Cllr. Mandy Lowe-Flello had the pleasure of presenting a donation of £1,267.75 to Barnsley Sexual Abuse And Rape Crisis Services from the Penistone Mayor’s Charity. This donation is funded by the proceeds of the 80s Gala Concert...