Spingvale Community Garden hanging basket John Wood memorial hanging basket Hazlehead Hall Equestrian hanging basket We have some new hanging basket locations available this summer! Improve our environment and send a message at the same time. If you are looking to...
ISSUED BY BARNSLEY METROPOLITAN BOROUGH COUNCILTEMPORARY 40MPH SPEED RESTRICTION, HALIFAX ROAD, PENISTONE An order will be made to introduce a 40mph speed restriction on Halifax Road from Wellhouse Lane to Huddersfield Road, from 6 May 2024 for approximately five...
Sunday 5th May 202411.00am – 4.00pmMarket Barn, PenistoneFREE entry MAYhem is a free street theatre and circus festival with a variety of exciting and fun acts, most of them from the Yorkshire area. You can enjoy circus-style performances and...
HUDDERSFIELD ROAD, PENISTONE – TEMPORARY CLOSURE11th April 2024 at least until 21st April 2024. BMBC hereby give notice to close Huddersfield Road Penistone from a point 250 metres northwest from the junction with Barnsley Road in a northwesterly direction for a...