PTC Councillors, 2023. Back row, left to right: Rob Blackshaw (reisgned 2024), Lisa Cork (resigned), Jon Cutts, Wayne Chadburn, Anita Kimberley, David Greenhough, Catherine Dodson (resigned), Nick Perkins, John Palmer, David Walker, Nigel Bailey (Clerk).
Front row, l-r: Frances Nixon, Mandy Lowe-Flello (Mayor), Hannah Kitching, Lynne Crisp (resigned), James Kitching.
The Councillors
There are 15 Councillors who make up Penistone Town Council. Elections are held in May every four years: the next is in 2027 The following Councillors represent your wards.
“BMBC” after a name indicates that the councillor is also an elected member of Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Couuncil.
If you need to contact any of the councillors please use the addresses listed below or use the general contact information on the contact page.
Penistone Ward
Cllr Wayne Chadburn
Finance & HR, Assets & Amenities
Email: Wayne.Chadburn@pentowncouncil.
Cllr Jonathan Cutts — Deputy Mayor
Finance & HR; Assets & Amenities (Chair)
Email: Jonathan.Cutts@pentowncouncil.gov.uk
Cllr Mandy Lowe-Flello (BMBC) — Mayor
Assets & Amenities, Events & Leisure
Email: Mandy.Lowe-Flello@
Cllr Frances Nixon
Finance & HR, Assets & Amenities
Email: Frances.Nixon@pentowncouncil.
Cllr Jason Barton
Events & Leisure, Assets & Amenities
Email: Jason.Barton@pentowncouncil.gov.uk
Cllr Matthew Nicholson
Cubley and Springvale
Cllr Greenhough David (BMBC)
Assets & Amenities (Vice-Chair), Events & Leisure
Email: David.Greenhough@
Cllr Nick Perkins
Finance & HR, Events & Leisure
Email: Nick.Perkins@pentowncouncil.gov.uk
Cllr Yvette Cooper
Email: Yvette.Cooper@pentowncouncil.
Cllr Claire Redmond
Thurlstone and Millhouse Green
Cllr Anita Kimberley
Finance & HR (Vice-Chair), Events & Leisure
Email: Anita.Kimberley@pentowncouncil.gov.uk
Cllr James Kitching
Finance & HR, Assets & Amenities
Email: James.Kitching@pentowncouncil.
Cllr Jon Palmer
Finance & HR (Chair), Events & Leisure
Email: Jon.Palmer@pentowncouncil.gov.
Cllr Hannah Kitching (BMBC)
Assets & Amenities, Events & Leisure
Email: Hannah.Kitching@
Cllr David Walker
Finance & HR, Assets & Amenities
Email: David.Walker@pentowncouncil.gov.uk
Registers of Interest
The Localism Act 2011 requires parish councillors to publicly declare if they have certain financial (pecuniary) and other (non-pecuniary) interests. Barnsley MBC keeps a record of these declarations in a register of interests which can be viewed at https://www.barnsley.gov.uk/services/our-council/parish-and-town-councils/parish-and-town-councillor-register-of-interests/https://www.barnsley.gov.uk/services/our-council/parish-and-town-councils/parish-and-town-councillor-register-of-interests/