Council Committees and Board Representatives
So that the council can function efficiently, a number of committees have been created so that various specific issues can be debated outside of the full council. Output from the various committees, who generally meet on a monthly basis, takes the form of recommendations which are brought to the next full council meeting for further discussion and eventual ratification.
This way of operating is similar to all other parish and town councils and allows for greater scrutiny of items under discussion by a smaller select committee, sometimes inviting co-opted members onto the committee – either full-time members or to give expert guidance for individual items of business.
Penistone Town Council has formed the following committees, with the listed members and responsibilities.
All members are welcome to attend all committee meetings and participate if even if they are not on that particular committee, however are not allowed to vote on any issue.
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Finance, Assets & HR
This committee has primary responsibility for discussing Financial matters such as the ‘Precept’, staff wages and allocation of Annual Budgets to the various elements of the Council’s functions. It also oversees the operation of what are the ‘visible’ arms of the Council – i.e. the Penistone Paramount and the Community Centre and Penistone from a service point of view, discussing issues such as parking and toilet facilities. One of its highlight functions is to arrange the annual Christmas Tree illuminations.
All Councillors are eligible to attend these meetings.
Cllr Jon Palmer (Chair)
Cllr James Kitching (Vice-Chair)
Cllr Wayne Chadburn
Cllr Jonathan Cutts
Cllr David Greenhough
Cllr Anita Kimberley
Cllr Hannah Kitching
Cllr Mandy Lowe-Flello (ex-officio)
Cllr Frances Nixon
Cllr Nick Perkins
Cllr David Walker
Events and Leisure
This committee will oversee planning related to special events and occasions throughout the year.
All Councillors are eligible to attend these meetings.
Cllr Frances Nixon (Vice-Chair)
Cllr Jason Barton
Cllr David Greenhough
Cllr Hannah Kitching
Cllr Mandy Lowe-Flello (ex-officio)
Cllr Nick Perkins
Annual Town Assembly
All Parish and Town Councils throughout England are required by law to hold an annual parish meeting each year. The purpose of calling this meeting is to enable the council to report on the year. Also electors are given a chance to have their say on anything which they consider is important to the people of the parish of Penistone. The meeting is open to the public, but such persons only as are registered as local government electors for the town will be entitled to vote at the meeting.
Any registered elector may ask questions of the council and these will usually be answered by the Mayor or designated to be answered by the Town Clerk or a Councillor. Minutes of the meeting are kept as a record.
As is the case for all Town Council meetings the press and public are notified and invited to be present.
All Councillors are eligible to attend these meetings.
Board Representatives
Representatives to the following boards:
National School Trustees – Cllrs Cutts and Unsworth
Samuel Wordsworth Charity – Cllr. Hinchliff
Yorkshire Local Councils Associations – Cllr. Unsworth
Hoylandswaine Almshouses – Cllr Walker